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The Wooden Pole versus the Weather
A Story Worth Reading
Blanket sling
It was a drizzly summer day along the Gulf Coast of Texas when a 100 foot Western Red Cedar Pole was delivered to a construction site just yards from the Gulf of Mexico. A few months following installation, a frequent weather incident occurred.
In September of 2008 Hurricane Ike roared along the Gulf Coast with sustained winds of 105 miles per hour with gusts considerably higher. Following the storm, our customer’s company supervisor viewed the damage done to the facility. He was amazed that the 100 foot wooden pole was left standing without any damage. A hundred yards away a concrete pole was completely demolished by the hurricane winds.
In this instance, the expertise of R J TRADING GROUP allowed this particular customer to continue to operate in adverse conditions. Extensive product knowledge is a cornerstone of the RJT foundation, as well as select product specificity unique to any specific environment. In other words, RJT knows its market as well as product applicability. We offer your Company over 30 years of professional advice accompanied by our “Service With Integrity” motto. Knowledge, professional advice and integrity are THE three pronged advantages offered to any company seeking our products. Ultimately these advantages lead first to increased productivity and second: greater customer satisfaction
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RJ Trading Group Lufkin Texas (936) 632-9450 Fax: (936)637-7580 bobby@rjpole.com Copyright 2009 RJ Trading Group Web by www.MSGPR.com